Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 2 - Senedd



Meeting date:
15 March 2012


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Gareth Williams
Committee Clerk







1.   Introductions, apologies and substitutions   

Apologies for absence have been received by Peter Black and Rhodri Glyn Thomas, given their roles on the Assembly Commission.



2.   National Assembly for Wales (Official Languages) Bill: Stage 1 Evidence Session - School of Welsh, Cardiff University  (Pages 1 - 12)

Paper 1:

Dr Diarmait Mac Giolla Chriost, Language, Policy and Planning Research Unit

Dr Simon Brooks, Language, Policy and Planning Research Unit,  



3.   National Assembly for Wales (Official Languages) Bill: Stage 1 Evidence Session - Welsh Language Officers Group  (Pages 13 - 22)

Paper 2:

David Thomas, Policy Officer (Equalities and the Welsh Language) Caerphilly County Borough Council

Cath Baldwin, Welsh Language Officer, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service

Ffion Gruffudd, Welsh Language Officer, Cardiff City and County Council




4.   Private Session: Consideration of the Committee's Report on the Inquiry into the Provision of Affordable Housing   

The Committee will be invited to resolve to exclude the public from item 4 of the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 17.42(vi):


A Committee may resolve to exclude the public from a meeting or any part of a meeting where:


(vi) the Committee is deliberating on the content, conclusions or recommendations of a report it proposes to publish; or is preparing itself to take evidence from any person.




5.   Papers to note  (Pages 23 - 24)




CELG(4)-08-12 : Paper 3  (Pages 25 - 26)


Correspondence from the Health and Social Care Committee - Inadequate public toilet facilities.






CELG(4)-08-12 : Paper 4  (Pages 27 - 50)


Health and Social Care Committee report : Public health implications of inadequate public toilet facilities – report of evidence





Paper 5  (Page 51)

Correspondence on the draft Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Bill

